Creating a New Core Curriculum

A blog devoted to discussion of core curriculum and general education requirements, written in the context of my service as chair of a committee to draft a new core for Santa Clara University, a Jesuit, Catholic university in Silicon Valley.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

School uniforms?

I am in Oxford for the biannual conference of the Center for the Study of African Economies... great fun! Met some people I have been reading and got to hear some nice papers and get comments on my own research on the impact of libraries. One paper in my session was on the impact of distributing school uniforms to students in Kenya... 4.5% increase in attendance, fairly cost-effective way to get extra schooling. Apply to SCU?

The conference is at St. Catherine's college, a very new part of the the Oxford conglomeration. The buildings were designed by Danish architect Arne Jacobsen... I find them quite striking, for all the little details. In my room I am sitting on one of his chairs. Would be a bit out of place in San Jose though...

While I am gone and from now on, some of the other members of the Core Committee will start blogging (hopefully!) so we'll start signing our names to the postings,



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