Creating a New Core Curriculum

A blog devoted to discussion of core curriculum and general education requirements, written in the context of my service as chair of a committee to draft a new core for Santa Clara University, a Jesuit, Catholic university in Silicon Valley.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

NYT's John Tierney's view on Summers and Harvard

In John Tierney's view in his New York Times column, Harvard faculty didn't buy the "assessment and continuous improvement" trend that Summers was trying to promote because they are (1) lazy, (2) don't care much about student learning, and (3) care a lot about denigrating the U.S. (his sly, "they don't teach the American Revolution, they teach a class that treats simultaneously the American and Haitian revolutions (how dare they!)"comment). The column is more interesting for its discursive strategy than its possible factual basis (how would Tierney know what Harvard faculty thought?) and reveals Tierney to be more post-modern than the faculty he criticizes... post-modern in the way Tierney would use the term, that is.


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